If you have just made a purchase and are viewing your order through the My Account portal, here are what the different order statuses mean:
Processing | We have received your order and will pick it shortly |
Awaiting Payment | We have generated your order and are awaiting payment |
Partially Shipped | We've probably had to source your order from 2 separate warehouses. The rest should be sent shortly |
Shipped | Its on its way! 1-2days for most shipments. Longer for rural and NZ |
Completed | You ordered a gift certificate and it has been emailed to the intended recipient |
Cancelled | We have cancelled your order which means customer service has most likely been in contact with you |
Refunded | We have fully refunded you for your order. Check your credit card statement or PayPal account. |
Under Review | Our fraud prevention software has flagged you order for review. Assessed within 24 hours. |
Manual Verification Required |
We require more information before we can process your order. Please contact us. |
Pending |
Your order is incomplete. You need to either complete the order, contact us to complete the order for you, or start a new order |